Monday, August 9, 2010

What have I learned this summer?

What have I learned this summer? I have learned a lot! This class has taught me to not take things at face value and not to believe everything that I hear! It what taught me to use different techniques to try and decipher the real meaning behind the claim statement and charts! This class has really surprised me. I feel myself listen more when people talk and analyzing commercials on TV more closely. This class has really opened my eyes and my ears! I have leaned that it is hard to pick out claims and motives. I have learned that you must know all the facts behind a graph to know it is representing the information right. Over all I have learn that a lot of people skew the results to make them favor them weather they know it or not! And that people hear what they want to hear!


  1. I definitely have to agree with you on how after taking this course, I am more aware of messages in the media being conveyed or even by people around me. I even try to catch myself when saying certain things because it reminds me of terms we have studied during this course.
    I am now more aware of things when I see advertisements on T.V. or when I'm reading a magazine or the newspaper or images of celebrities endorsing that product or corporation in general. Your also right about graphs and having to know all the facts it is showing so it is presenting the accurate information. I never really used to think about then until this class.

  2. I like your post and agree with you on everything you said. This class has really helped me break down arguments and know exactly what goes into a statement. So when I look at a claim on T.V ill know things such as if they are using fear to get their point across or how exactly are they using a claim to make an argument against them. It helps me be subjective instead of getting sucked into what someone else is saying. This class has really opened my eyes on a lot of subject especially when viewing the media from this perspective. So anyways great post!

  3. I agree with you that this class taught to look more closely at things presented in graphs and advertisements. Now when I look at articles or things on T.V I know what to look for to see whether I can consider the argument to true or false. Similar to you, I never thought about these things before this class. I am glad I took this class because now I am more cautious about arguments that are made. People definitely try to skew our thoughts and opinions to believe what they feel are right when they can actually be wrong. This class has been very helpful and will continue to be helpful in the future.
