So I wanted to originally do this post on apple polishing but I found this add and could not pass it up. Here you see a man holding his child. And you see them smiling and all happy but when you read the word your opinion of this happy add changes! You see” it was a year ago that I had a heart attack and died” if that’s not enough to scary you then I don’t know what it, especially if you are a man with a child or a mother that starts to worry about losing the child’s dad. That is a extremely good argument! I f I were a wife I would want to make sure that I start making my man take Bayer to make sure that he stays alive. With this add it hits you straight in to the core of most people’s fears Dying! I think this company did a really good job with this!
This is a good example of an advertisement that appeals to fear. Upon first sight it seems to be happy. The father playing with his son and they look happy. I think the company shows this image to draw in the readers attention because a positive image of a father playing with his son attracts attention. After reading the purpose of the advertisement readers may be compelled to use Bayer because they would want to lead a happy life and be able to play with their kids or even live longer. So basically the company is implying that if someone wants to live a long and happy life they will chose to buy and take Bayer aspirin therapy.
ReplyDeleteIf I did not read the text, I would have thought that the poster is about a loving father and his son playing sports. However, once I read the text and found out it is about a father who died of a heart attack a year ago it startled me because the father looked normal and in perfect condition. I thought that it was funny of you to comment if he was your husband lol. I fully agree with you if I was in the same situation I would consider using this product to prevent heart diseases. It is a perfect example of appeal to emotion.