Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mean Median and Mode

Mean Median and Mode! These are things that we hear about in math class. You would never think about applying them to Critical Thinking!

Mean is the average of a collection of numbers. This can be used in real life to calculate your GPA

Median is the half way point in the numbers. This can be used when looking at prices and choosing the price that’s in the middle.

Mode is the number that is obtained the most. So in the real world the mode would be the re-accruing cable bill. It’s the number that accrues the most!

So you see you can apply Mean Median and Mode to everyday life and critical thinking. Mean Median and mode is no longer just for math. It is open to any thing that you want to apply it to. The world is your stage so get out there are apply mean median and mode to the world!

second assignment !!!

I believe that the second assignment was the most useful. I feel that it gave us a real life look into something that we can do on a everyday bases. It gave us a chance to use everything that we have learned in this class. This assignment was really nice because I got to look in to a company that I really love. I got to see what it was really about in a way that I have never before! It got me to look in to the fallacies and the appeals to emotions that the ASACA uses to get me and other people to support them. I found out a lot about the this company most all good but there were something that I did not like that I found out. I guess that comes with anything. It cant all be good! So after this carful analysis of the two assignments my vote for best one goes to the second one!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Chapter 13- I found this interesting!

One concept that I found very interesting in chapter 13 was graphs! Most people would think that graphs would be a full proof way to see the truth about statistics, but you would be wrong! There are so many ways that you can skew the way that the graphs look and the results that it gives off. For a line graph you can change the steepness of the graph to make things look dramatic or almost nutrural. On a bar graph the creators can make the difference in the bars slight just to show that there is a difference or really dramatic looking to make you think that there is a huge difference. This right here just proves that you need to be critical about everything! You need to look and things and find out what they are really trying to do that with piece if information! I know I used to take graphs at face value but not I take a deeper look at what’s being said!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

chapter 12!

One concept that I found very interesting in chapter 12. Chapter 12 is all about Analogy and I found the section on analogies and the law to be very interesting. In this section it said that normally analogies are not precious enough to be made in to strong arguments. But in the law sector they are presented as detailed and carefully analyzed argument. Many may say why would this be different for the law and if it was would not t it be the other way around? But no you see when the laws are made they do not account for many variations of wrong doing. So attorneys use analogies to help make their cases and prove a point that the other side might not have seen. I love this because it goes to show you that anything could be useful to the right person and used to their own advantage!

Chapter 10 exercise 3

So I wanted to originally do this post on apple polishing but I found this add and could not pass it up. Here you see a man holding his child. And you see them smiling and all happy but when you read the word your opinion of this happy add changes! You see” it was a year ago that I had a heart attack and died” if that’s not enough to scary you then I don’t know what it, especially if you are a man with a child or a mother that starts to worry about losing the child’s dad. That is a extremely good argument! I f I were a wife I would want to make sure that I start making my man take Bayer to make sure that he stays alive. With this add it hits you straight in to the core of most people’s fears Dying! I think this company did a really good job with this!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Appeal to Emotion- FEAR!!!!!!

The Appeal to Emotion that I wanted to talk about is the Appeal to Fear! Fear is such a major thing that motivates people to do things or not do things. This appeal strikes because a Appeal to Fear can get you to do almost anything. For instance when I was a little kid I would always make funny faces to my mom when she was talking to someone. And she finally started telling me to be careful because your face might stick like that! Now this scared me because I did not want my face to look like that permintily just long enough to make my mom annoyed (I know I was a nice little girl). So I stopped doing it! I like appeal to fear because it can shoe you a lot about the person giving the appeal and a lot about the audience that is receiving It.!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Precise and Vague Generalities!

Something that I found interesting would be Chapter 8 section 3. This was about Precise and Vague Generalities.

Let me start off by explaining what a Precise Generality is. Precise Generality is when a claim states a specific number or quantity. For example: There were a hundred bars of chocolate on the counter. This would be an example of a Precise Generality claim.

Next I would like to explain what a Vague Generality.. A Vague Generality is a claim that does not specify a precise number . An example of this would be: There are a whole bunch of chocolate bars sitting on the counter.

As you can see, there are a huge difference between a Vague Generality and a Precise Generality. Utilizing the correct form of generality, could make the difference between a strong or a weak argument.

Next time you are making an argument, make sure you are using the form of generality the best supports your argument.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Contradictories, Contraries, and Subcontraries! Oh My!!

One concept that I found really interesting was in the Aristotelian logic chapter. I the concept was Contradictories, Contraries, and Subcontraries.

Contradictories: are two claims that in every circumstance have opposite truth values.

Contraries: are two claims that there is no way that both claims could be true together.

Subcontraries: are two claims that there is no possible way that both claims could be false.

I found these terms and concepts very interesting because people when they talk or even argue with each other use them all the time. If you listen to peoples conversations (not in the creep way) you will hear these being used.

For instants I heard a mother telling her daughter you are my #1 favorite then she turned to her son and said you are my #1 favorite! That right there shows you the concept of Contraries! These concepts are all around us we just have to listen in and be aware even when we are talking we all do it!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

All and Some!

When it comes to chapter 8 the thing that I found most interesting was the talk about all and some!

All means every single one with no exceptions. Some words that you can substitute for the word all and still mean the same thing are Every, Everything, and every one.

Some means that the statement includes at least one or more of the subjects. Some words that you can substitute for some and still mean the same thing are at lest one and as I know of.

Application to everyday life! Well I have great story that heard to day. So I was working freshmen orientation today and I heard a young freshmen say that ALL of the classes were full. No I know that a lot of the class’s are full but they are not all full. I think this is a great example of the differences between All and some!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Refuting Indirectly!

For my final post of this week I want to talk about Refuting Indirectly. I want to talk about this because it happens all the time. People refute arguments all the time, but most of the time they don’t know what they ar refuting just that they are refuting it! And that my dear friends is refuting indirectly!

So let me give you a example when someone gives a argument that is “the polar ice caps are melting because of the greenhouse gases and the whale hunting” now a person that refuting indirectly would say “ that’s not why they are melting” they used or gave us no reason why they just know that something is wrong with that arguments so they have to refute it.

Im sure that if you listen to conversations all around you, you will hear all the time people indirectly refuting arguments all the time. I dear you to find one today!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Raising Objections!

In this Post the topic I want to talk about Raising Objections! (Chapter 7 section A)

Raising objections is a common thing that you here when people are trying to defend them self’s or some thing that they believe in.

According to Epstein raising objections is a way to show that an argument is bad. It dose this by showing that it is weak and calls in to question on of the premise’s

One why to illustrate this in everyday life is using an example of a discussion some of my friends had! One friend said that all women like chocolate! Now this statement set my other friend off! She came back and said well what about the people that are allergic or don’t like the taste or can’t eat it for health reasons? So no not all women like chocolate!

This is I prime example of raising objections, its showed how it called in to question the statement made and made the argument weak!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Contradictory of a claim

In site of our papers I thought that I should talk about chapter 6 section A2, Contradictory of a Claim!

The Contradictory of a claim according to Epstein is “ a claim that has the opposite truth-value in all possible circumstances” I thought this would be perfect to look at since part of our paper is on the contradictory of a claim. So in words the contradictory of a claim is the negation to a claim, it’s basically the opposite!

You hear contradictory of a claim all the time in everyday life. When people argue and even on paper and in books. I can think of one that two of my friends said yesterday! One friend said that she “got to meet will smith while she was in Hollywood” and then the other fried said “you did not get to meet will smith while you were in Hollywood

That right there shows you that there are in everyday speech you hear them all the time and never notice it. The next time that you are talking with someone listen, you might be surprised in what you hear!