Sunday, June 13, 2010

Differences between valid and strong arguments!

The differences between valid and strong arguments and small but very important. It is imperative that one know the differences between the two and how to use the correctly.

Valid Arguments: a valid argument is an argument in which all premises are known to be true. This means that the conclusion can never be false since the premises are true.

An example of a valid argument would be Marilyn can die from eating eggs, this is true because Marilyn is deathly allergic to eggs, and being deathly allergic to something and eating it will kill you.

Strong Arguments: a strong argument is one that may be invalid argument that most likely has a true conclusion. This means that the conclusion may be true but the premises might be false or made up just to sound true.

And example if a strong argument would be that Linda like chocolate, because Linda is a women and women like chocolate. Just because Linda is a women does not mean that she like chocolate.

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